
Tag Archives: environmental technology

Trial Run of the HDPE Rigid Plastic Shredder and Crusher Video

Step into the world of recycling with our latest video showcasing the trial run of our HDPE rigid plastic shredder and crusher. Watch as we demonstrate the robust capabilities of this machine, designed to tackle high-density polye...

Complete Guide to Plastic Film Washing Lines: Comprehensive Solutions from Shredding to Drying

a PP (Polypropylene) and PE (Polyethylene) woven bag film washing and recycling line. The system features various sections, including shredders, washers, and dryers, all predominantly colored in green and gray. It processes dirty and used plastic films and transforms them into clean, shredded plastics ready for recycling. The image also includes a small inset showing a before-and-after transformation: from a pile of used and dirty plastic films to clean, shredded plastic, demonstrating the effective cleaning and recycling capabilities of the system
Plastic film washing lines are a crucial component in the plastic recycling process. They consist of a series of equipment designed to clean dirty films (such as LDPE films and woven bags) through friction and high-speed action, t...

Making Recycling More Cost-Effective with AI: Insights from NIST Research

Workers at a recycling facility sort and separate recycled plasti
Recycling can be a significant expense for local governments, but AI might help cut those costs and potentially increase recycling rates. Researchers at NIST are working on making recycling more efficient and less expensive. Ev...