Револуционисање рециклаже: Утицај стискача за пластичну фолију

In the quest for more efficient recycling methods, the Plastic Film Squeezer emerges as a game-changer, transforming the way we handle and recycle plastic films. This innovative technology is not just an advancement; it’s a necessary evolution in our fight against plastic waste.

The Challenge with Plastic Film Recycling

Plastic films, commonly used in packaging and bags, present significant challenges in recycling due to their lightweight nature and high moisture retention. Traditionally, these films retain up to 30% humidity even after washing, which can severely affect the efficiency of the recycling process​​.

Enter the Plastic Film Squeezer

The Plastic Film Squeezer offers a compelling solution, reducing the moisture content of washed plastic films to approximately 3%. This breakthrough in drying technology ensures that the films are ready for further processing, such as pelletizing, without the need for intensive energy consumption​​.

Принцип рада

The core mechanism involves a screw press that squeezes the plastic thoroughly, removing a majority of the moisture. To further the drying process, the plastic is then heated and densified into small granules, suitable for direct use in plastic extruders and pelletizers​​.

Benefits at a Glance

  • Висока ефикасност: Capable of reducing film humidity to less than 3%, significantly enhancing the subsequent granulating process​​.
  • Energy Saving: Compared with traditional drying methods, the Plastic Film Squeezer is notable for its low power consumption, saving up to 40%-50% in electricity​​.
  • Утицај на животну средину: By improving the recycling process’s efficiency, this technology plays a crucial role in reducing the volume of plastic waste that ends up in landfills.
  • Свестраност: It’s adept at handling various types of plastic films, including LDPE, LLDPE, and PP woven bags, demonstrating its flexibility across different recycling needs​​.

Applications and Success Stories

The Plastic Film Squeezer’s application is vast, from LDPE waste film recycling and washing lines to agricultural film processing and waste film recycling. Its success stories span across different sectors, showcasing its potential to revolutionize the recycling industry​​​​.


The introduction of the Plastic Film Squeezer into the recycling process represents a significant leap towards sustainability. With its ability to handle the unique challenges presented by plastic films, this technology is not just an innovation—it’s a vital tool in our global effort to recycle more efficiently and protect our environment.

As the world grapples with the growing issue of plastic waste, technologies like the Plastic Film Squeezer are beacons of hope. They signify a step forward in our commitment to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future.

Често постављана питања (ФАК)

What is a Plastic Film Squeezer?

A Plastic Film Squeezer is a recycling technology designed to reduce the moisture content of washed plastic films to approximately 3%, making them suitable for further recycling processes such as pelletizing.

How does the Plastic Film Squeezer work?

The squeezer uses a screw press mechanism to thoroughly squeeze out moisture from the plastic film. It then heats and densifies the plastic into small granules for use in extruders and pelletizers​​.

What are the benefits of using a Plastic Film Squeezer?

Key benefits include high efficiency in moisture reduction, significant energy savings compared to traditional drying methods, and versatility in handling various types of plastic films​​.

Can the Plastic Film Squeezer handle different types of plastic films?

Yes, it’s designed to process a wide range of plastic films, including LDPE, LLDPE, and PP woven bags, making it a versatile tool for recycling operations​​.

Is the Plastic Film Squeezer environmentally friendly?

Yes, by improving the efficiency of the recycling process and reducing the volume of plastic waste that ends up in landfills, the Plastic Film Squeezer contributes to environmental sustainability.


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    Аутор: Румтоо машина за рециклажу пластике

    Румтоо машине за рециклажу пластике, скраћено Румтоо рециклажа, водећи произвођач висококвалитетних ПЕТ боца, машина за рециклажу ПП / ПЕ филма. Наше линије за прање ПЕ фолија нуде поузданост, ефикасност и максималну издржљивост у рециклажи прљаве и запрљане ПЕТ боце, ПЕ филма назад у пластични гранулат. Са више од две деценије услуга у индустрији рециклаже пластике, Румтоо је поносан што је одговоран за рециклажу хиљада тона пластичних фолија као што су пластичне кесе, ПП неткане вреће и ЛДПЕ фолије сваког месеца у стотинама објеката за рециклажу широм света.

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