Ефикасан сецкалица са једном осовином са закретном руком за разноврсне примене

Ефикасан сецкалица са једном осовином са закретном руком за разноврсне примене

Резач са једном осовином са покретном руком је савршено решење за уситњавање великих количина пластике и других материјала. Овај свестрани уређај је способан да сецка различите материјале, од гломазних предмета до влакана и филмова отпорних на кидање. Са иновативним поклопцем за инспекцију за лако одржавање и рамом са покретном руком за оптимизовано уситњавање, нуди неупоредиву ефикасност.

Single-Shaft Shredder with Swing Arm: The Ultimate All-Rounder for Large-Volume Plastics

Advanced Technology for Optimized Shredding

RUMTOO’s latest shredder generation incorporates cutting-edge technology, all within a compact control cabinet. The shredder, as well as all peripherals, such as conveyor belts and separation systems, is centrally controlled using the Siemens PLC control system. This allows for energy-efficient material processing, with an optional remote control for added flexibility during maintenance.

Swing Arm Ram for Aggressive Material Infeed

In addition to the horizontal pusher, the swing arm shredder is equipped with a top-mounted swing ram. This innovative design prevents the infeed material from bouncing, ensuring smoother and more aggressive shredding. The swing arm actuates alongside the pusher, enabling efficient handling of even the toughest materials. Despite its robust performance, the machine is easy to control with a compact design and automated PLC system, which can be switched off for manual control if preferred.

Versatile Applications and Easy Operation

The single-shaft shredder is designed for high throughput and is ideal for processing a wide range of materials, including:

  • Plastics: Production waste, plastic drums, films, big bags, fibers, automotive parts, PET bottles, and more.
  • Paper and Cardboard: Cardboard boxes, newspapers, and packaging materials.
  • Wood: Pallets, wooden boards, and tree branches.
  • E-Waste: Circuit boards, computer shells, and household appliances.
  • Textiles: Curtains, clothing, carpets, and car seat fabrics.
  • Rubber: Car tires, rubber pads, and seals.

The shredder can be loaded manually, by forklift, or using a conveyor belt, and materials can be extracted through conveyor, auger, or cyclone collection systems.

Кључне карактеристике

  • Hydraulic-Driven Swing Pusher: Ensures efficient material infeed by pushing objects closer to the rotary cutters.
  • Customizable Screen Mesh: Controls output granule size, tailored to your needs.
  • Easy Blade Replacement: Minimizes downtime, as blades can be reused four times by rotating them.
  • Durable Blades: Made from high-resistant steel, ensuring long-lasting performance.
  • ПЛЦ контролни систем: Allows for easy fault diagnosis and maintenance.
  • Rotor Auto-Reverting Function: Protects the machine from blockages by reversing the rotor when material jams.
  • Систем хлађења: Keeps the hydraulic oil at optimal temperatures, even in high ambient conditions.
  • User-Friendly Operation: Simple controls for fully automated or manual operation.

Long-Term Durability and Service

In addition to a one-year quality guarantee, RUMTOO offers lifelong after-sales support. We provide all necessary machines for complete production setups based on customer requirements. Our focus on long-term partnerships ensures high-quality products, competitive pricing, and excellent customer service.


1. What materials can the single-shaft shredder with swing arm process?

This shredder is highly versatile, capable of processing plastics, wood, paper, textiles, e-waste, and rubber materials. It is ideal for large and bulky items like plastic drums, car parts, cardboard, and tree branches.

2. How does the swing arm feature improve shredding performance?

The swing arm prevents materials from bouncing during infeed, enabling a more aggressive shredding process. It works in tandem with the pusher to ensure smooth and efficient shredding of tough materials.

3. Is the shredder difficult to control or maintain?

Not at all! The shredder features an automated PLC control system, making it easy to operate. Additionally, the inspection flap allows for quick and easy maintenance.

4. Can I customize the granule size of the output?

Yes, the shredder is equipped with a screen mesh at the outlet, which can be customized to control the size of the output granules based on your specific needs.

5. What safety features does the shredder offer?

The shredder is equipped with a rotor auto-reverting function that prevents material jams and protects the machine from damage. It also features Siemens PLC control, ensuring safe operation with automatic fault diagnosis.

6. What kind of maintenance is required for the blades?

The shredder blades are easy to replace and can be rotated four times before needing to be changed, ensuring minimal downtime and reduced maintenance costs.


Тхе сецкалица са једним вратилом with swing arm is a highly efficient and versatile machine, perfect for shredding large volumes of materials across various industries. Its innovative design, coupled with advanced technology, ensures smooth operation, high throughput, and easy maintenance. Whether you’re processing plastics, wood, or e-waste, this shredder offers the flexibility and reliability needed to meet your production goals.

Инкуире Нов

Демо контакт обрасца

Аутор: Румтоо машина за рециклажу пластике

Румтоо машине за рециклажу пластике, скраћено Румтоо рециклажа, водећи произвођач висококвалитетних ПЕТ боца, машина за рециклажу ПП / ПЕ филма. Наше линије за прање ПЕ фолија нуде поузданост, ефикасност и максималну издржљивост у рециклажи прљаве и запрљане ПЕТ боце, ПЕ филма назад у пластични гранулат. Са више од две деценије услуга у индустрији рециклаже пластике, Румтоо је поносан што је одговоран за рециклажу хиљада тона пластичних фолија као што су пластичне кесе, ПП неткане вреће и ЛДПЕ фолије сваког месеца у стотинама објеката за рециклажу широм света.

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