Naša termálna sušička je vynikajúcou metódou na extrakciu vlhkosti dehydratáciou. Toto kontinuálne sušiace zariadenie, špeciálne navrhnuté pre naše linky na umývanie plastov a PET, je strategicky umiestnené za odvodňovacím strojom. Tepelná sušička vybavená cyklónovým separátorom slúži ako rozhodujúci posledný krok pri znižovaní úrovne vlhkosti pod 3%.
Pracovný princíp
Thermal dryers utilize hot air to dry the plastic material, much like a hair dryer. After dewatering, the plastic material is vacuumed out by a transport blower and combined with hot air traveling through an extended set of stainless steel tubing that winds back and forth. As the plastic material blends and spirals around within this extensive transport tunnel, moisture is efficiently dehydrated. The process concludes with a cyclone separation apparatus, where cool air is introduced, further lowering residual moisture. The cyclone separator acts as the last defense against any dust and fines within the material stream.
Depending on the capacity of your washing line, the use of one thermal heater is generally sufficient. However, to achieve the lowest possible moisture levels, some washing plants may opt for the use of two or even three thermal heaters positioned consecutively.
Technické špecifikácie
•Model #: RSJ800
•Blower Power: 5.5 KW
•Heating Power: 36 KW
•Pipe Diameter: ⌀159mm
•Pipe Material: Type 304 Stainless Steel
•CE certification available.
•Larger, more powerful models available upon request.
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