Uruchomienie próbne maszyny do pionowej prasy belującej do butelek PET PET Bottle Vertical Baler Machine Trial Run A PET Bottle Vertical Baler is a type of recycling machinery used to compress PET bottles and alum...
Niszczarka jednowałowa w próbie z niebieską lufą Single-Shaft Shredder Tackling Blue Barrel Trial Run The Single-Shaft Shredder is a powerhouse in material size reduction, designed to efficie...
Próba granulacji worka nylonowego Nylon woven bag granulation Trial Run Shredding: The nylon bags are shredded into smaller pieces. Washing: The shredded nylon is washed to re...
Próba działania maszyny do wyciskania filmów Films Squeezer Machine Trial Run Watch this video to see how a new films squeezer machine works. The machine quickly and efficiently removes e...
Uruchomienie próbne linii do recyklingu butelek PET PET Bottle Recycling Washing Line Trial run Pre-treatment: Workers start by pre-treating the collected PET bottles, removing large impurities...
Testowanie systemu mycia i zagęszczania folii PE PE Film Washing and Densifying System Trail Run See how a new PE film recycling system works in this video. The system washes and densifies PE...
Uruchomienie próbne rozdrabniacza rur HDPE HDPE Pipe Shredder Trial run https://youtu.be/xMHYdA6AcQ4 Watch this video to see how a new HDPE pipe shredder works. The shredder quickly and...
Film dotyczący niszczarki jednowałowej single shaft shredder,1500kg/hour,Trial run Detailed introduction...
Film dotyczący linii rozdrabniania folii z tworzywa sztucznego i zagęszczania A shredding-densifying line for PP and PE plastic with a capacity of 1000 kg per hour is operational in TX, USA. Feature Single-shaft Single-shaft shredders to better handle solid, thick pieces such as plastic purging, run...
Maszyna do recyklingu włókniny w pracy Transforming Waste into Wealth: Nonwoven Recycling Machine at Work,show you how these machines work Feature...