Plastic Shredding Systems | Rumtoo Machinery

Reliable Size Reduction Solutions

Plastmasas smalcinātāji

Key Features of Our Industrial Shredders

A Rumtoo shredder can grind various types of plastics including ABS, Acetal, Acrylic, HDPE, HMWHDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, Nylon 6 and 66, PC PET Polyamide Polyester PP PS PU PUR PVC TPE TPO UHW-PE and composites to the required size.

Our industrial shredders are engineered for durability and high-performance waste processing. With a variety of models, we cater to diverse shredding needs, ensuring efficient and secure waste disposal. Explore the standout features that make our shredders the preferred choice in the industry.

Heavy-Duty Construction

Built to last, our industrial shredders feature heavy-duty construction that withstands demanding operational environments.

  • Durable materials
  • Robust design
  • High operational efficiency

Versatile Shredding Options

Our shredders offer multiple shredding options, making them suitable for various materials including plastics, metals, and paper.

  • Multiple blade configurations
  • Convenient size options
  • Customizable settings


Designed with energy efficiency in mind, our industrial shredders help reduce operational costs while maximizing output.

  • Low power consumption
  • High throughput
  • Eco-friendly design

Drošības līdzekļi

Safety is our priority; our shredders come equipped with advanced safety features to protect operators.

  • Automated shut-off
  • Emergency stop button
  • Protective covers

Lietotājam draudzīgs interfeiss

Our shredders are designed with user-friendly controls ensuring ease of operation for all users.

  • Intuitive controls
  • Clear display
  • Simple setup

Comprehensive Support

We provide extensive customer support, offering guidance from purchasing to maintenance, ensuring your shredder operates optimally.

  • 24/7 support
  • Maintenance services
  • Parts availability

Viena vārpstas smalcinātājs ar pagrieziena sviru ir ideāls risinājums liela apjoma plastmasas un citu materiālu smalcināšanai. Ar šo universālo ierīci var sasmalcināt dažādus materiālus, sākot no lielgabarīta priekšmetiem līdz neplīstošām šķiedrām un plēvēm. Tam ir novatorisks pārbaudes atloks ērtai apkopei un pagrieziena sviras cilindrs optimizētai smalcināšanai, un tas nodrošina nepārspējamu efektivitāti.

Vienas vārpstas smalcinātājs ir būtisks aprīkojums, kas paredzēts, lai efektīvi apstrādātu ekstrūdera galvas atkritumu smalcināšanu. Šī iekārta ir veidota ar izturīgu konstrukciju, kas ietver motoru, reduktoru ar stingriem zobratiem, rotējošo vārpstu, importētus rotācijas nažus, fiksētus nažus, izturīgu rāmi, darba platformu, hidraulisko cilindru un neatkarīgu elektrisko vadības skapi.


Mūsu pārnēsājamais cauruļu smalcinātājs, kas ir rūpīgi pielāgots klientam Kanādā, liecina par mūsu centību nodrošināt personalizētus, efektīvus pārstrādes risinājumus. Šis smalcinātājs ir īpaši izstrādāts, lai pārvaldītu īpašās problēmas, kas saistītas ar lielu ekstrudētu plastmasu un cauruļu apstrādi, parādot mūsu prasmes apmierināt unikālās klientu vajadzības.

Struggling to manage plastic film waste efficiently? Upgrade your recycling process with a cutting-edge shredding machine! This powerful solution features a continuous feed system for high throughput, a custom-made main shaft for enhanced productivity, and vibration reduction technology for extended component life. Learn how this advanced shredder can revolutionize your recycling operations and contribute to a more sustainable future. **Read more to discover the key features and specifications that make this machine a game-changer for your business!**
Maximize your waste processing efficiency with the Soft Material Single Shaft Shredder. Featuring a circular feeding mechanism, large spindle, reduced vibration, dual fixed knives, and a PLC-based control system, this shredder offers high efficiency, precise material breakdown, and stable, safe operations. Ideal for handling a variety of materials including plastics, industrial waste cloth, and domestic garbage.
The Hard Material Single Shaft Shredder is an advanced industrial equipment designed for the efficient shredding of tough materials such as large diameter PE/PVC pipes, heavy plastics, wooden pallets, electronic waste, and more. It features a dynamic shredding chamber, robust shaft construction, secure transmission parts, an enhanced feeding mechanism, and an advanced control system with a PLC program. This shredder is ideal for businesses seeking to enhance operational efficiency and manage waste effectively.
This article provides an in-depth look at the Shear Type Double Shaft Shredder, a crucial machine in waste management and recycling fields. It covers the shredder’s working principle, key design features, extensive applications, and recommendations for maintenance and operation. Discover how to achieve efficient and safe material processing with the Shear Type Double Shaft Shredder.
This article delves into the key components and working principles of the single-shaft shredder, including the shaft, blades, feed hopper, discharge outlet, and drive system. It compares the applications of single-shaft versus double-shaft shredders, aiming to provide an efficient, low-maintenance solution for optimizing waste management processes.
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