태그 아카이브: 싱크-플로트 탱크 시스템

싱크-플로트 탱크 시스템을 통한 효율적인 분리

a sink-float tank system, which is commonly used in the recycling industry, especially for separating materials based on density. This system typically utilizes a water-filled tank wherein materials such as plastics or metals are submerged. Materials that are denser than water will sink, and those less dense will float, allowing for easy separation. The visible rollers and chain conveyors are part of the mechanism to move materials through the tank, ensuring thorough exposure to the separation process. The robust metallic structure and industrial motors suggest the system is designed to handle large volumes efficiently, making it an essential component in recycling facilities to sort and process various recyclable materials.
소개 끊임없이 진화하는 플라스틱 재활용의 세계에서 싱크-플로트 탱크 시스템은 효율성과 효과성의 등대로 자리 잡고 있습니다. 이 기계는 PET 병 재활용 공장과 기타 재활용 응용 분야의 초석입니다...