With the widespread use of plastic products, how to effectively recycle and process waste plastics has become a global focus. The rigid plastic washing recycling line, as a highly efficient and environmentally friendly plastic recycling equipment, provides a powerful solution for the plastic recycling industry.
Equipment Introduction
The rigid plastic washing recycling line is an automated production line specifically designed for processing rigid plastics such as PET bottles, HDPE bottles, and PP barrels. This production line integrates crushing, washing, separation, and drying functions, efficiently transforming waste rigid plastics into clean plastic flakes, providing high-quality raw materials for subsequent plastic recycling.
Equipment Composition
A complete rigid plastic washing recycling line typically consists of the following main components:
Crusher: Breaks waste rigid plastics into small pieces for easier cleaning and processing.
Pre-washer: Removes loose dirt and impurities from the surface of plastic flakes.
Friction Washer: Uses high-speed rotating friction wheels and cleaning agents to remove stubborn stains and labels from plastic flakes.
Rinsing Machine: Rinses plastic flakes with clean water to remove residual cleaning agents and dirt.
Dehydrator: Uses centrifugal force to remove surface moisture from plastic flakes.
Drying System: Thoroughly dries plastic flakes for easy storage and transportation.
Sorting System: Sorts plastic flakes by type and color to improve the purity of recycled materials.
Stjórnkerfi: Controls the operation of the entire production line, enabling automated production.
Búnaður | Virka |
Fóðurfæriband | Veitir plöntunni jafnt efnisfóður. |
Tætari | Tætir efnið í smærri hluta til að nota í kyrningavél. |
Granulator | Minnkar stærðina enn frekar og gerir plaststrauminn jafnari. |
Skrúfaþvottavél | Þvegir og flytur efnið í næsta skref. |
Vaskur-Fljóta aðskilnaðartankur | Fjarlægir mengun og hjálpar til við að þvo efnið. |
Miðflóttaþurrkari | Þurrkar vöruna með miklum snúningi. |
Hitaþurrkakerfi | Þurrkar efnið með varmalofti. |
Zig-Zag flokkari | Fjarlægir merkimiða og fínar agnir. |
Pokastöð | Skilar vörunni í geymslupoka. |
Rafmagns tafla | Býður upp á viðmót fyrir rekstraraðila til að stjórna kerfinu. |
Equipment Advantages
High Efficiency and Energy Saving: High automation level, high production efficiency, and low energy consumption.
Excellent Cleaning Effect: Utilizes multi-stage cleaning processes for thorough cleaning, ensuring clean and odor-free plastic flakes.
Wide Applicability: Capable of processing various types of rigid plastics, such as PET, HDPE, and PP.
Environmentally Friendly: Features a closed design to reduce wastewater and dust emissions, meeting environmental standards.
High Return on Investment: Recycled plastic flakes can be directly used in production, offering significant economic benefits.
Application Areas
The rigid plastic washing recycling line is widely used in the following fields:
Plastic Bottle Recycling: Recycling PET bottles, HDPE bottles, etc., for producing chemical fibers and packaging materials.
Plastic Barrel Recycling: Recycling HDPE barrels, PP barrels, etc., for producing plastic products and building materials.
Plastic Sheet Recycling: Recycling PVC sheets, PC sheets, etc., for producing plastic products and decorative materials.
Future Development Trends
With increasing environmental awareness and continuous advancements in plastic recycling technology, the rigid plastic washing recycling line is expected to develop in the following directions:
Intelligentization: Incorporating artificial intelligence and IoT technologies for intelligent control and remote monitoring.
Mikil skilvirkni: Improving production efficiency while reducing energy consumption and costs.
Umhverfis sjálfbærni: Adopting more eco-friendly cleaning agents and processes to minimize environmental impact.
The rigid plastic washing recycling line, as an efficient and environmentally friendly plastic recycling equipment, plays a crucial role in addressing plastic pollution and promoting resource recycling. With continuous technological advancements and growing market demand, the rigid plastic washing recycling line will see even broader applications in the future.
Aðal tæknileg færibreyta
Inntaksgeta | 500 kg/klst | 1000 kg/klst | 1500 kg/klst | 2000 kg/klst |
Nauðsynlegt pláss | 42m×10m×6m | 50m×15m×6m | 55m×16m×6m | 60m×18m×6m |
Rekstraraðilar | 3-4 manns | 5-6 manns | 5-6 manns | 5-6 manns |
Uppsetning Power | 150-200kW | 250-300kW | 370kW | 450-500kW |
Vatnshringrás (T/H) | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Þökk sé nýstárlegri þvottatækni okkar og hágæða frammistöðu getum við veitt áreiðanlegar og skilvirkar endurvinnslulausnir fyrir viðskiptavini okkar. Skuldbinding okkar til að nota nýjustu tækni tryggir að endurvinnsluferlar okkar séu umhverfisvænir og sjálfbærir, en skilar jafnframt hágæða niðurstöðum.
Kostir stífrar plastþvotta endurvinnslulínu
Implementing a Rigid Plastic Washing Recycling Line offers a multitude of advantages for both the environment and businesses. Here are some of the key benefits:
Umhverfislegur ávinningur
Reduces Plastic Waste: Significantly decreases the amount of plastic waste, thereby helping to mitigate environmental pollution.
Conserves Natural Resources: Minimizes the volume of plastic sent to landfills, aiding in the conservation of natural resources.
Promotes Sustainability: Facilitates the creation of a circular economy for plastics, encouraging sustainable practices.
Kostnaðarhagkvæmni: Lowers waste disposal costs, providing a more economical solution for managing plastic waste.
Resource Recovery: Offers a new source of raw materials for the production of new plastic products, enhancing resource efficiency.
Brand Enhancement: Boosts brand reputation by demonstrating a commitment to environmental sustainability, which can attract eco-conscious consumers and partners.
PS: Uppsetning búnaðar og ferlið verður fínstillt í samræmi við hráefni.
Öllum endurvinnsluvélum fylgir 1 árs takmörkuð ábyrgð.
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