Alveg sjálfvirkur PVC Pulverizer

Alveg sjálfvirkur PVC Pulverizer

Rumtoo ZM Series Pulverizers eru hannaðir til að vinna meðalhart, brothætt eða áhrifamikið plast. Þessar vélar breyta kyrni í fínt duft og ná duftsamkvæmni á bilinu 20 til 100 möskva. Duftararnir eru mikið notaðir í ýmsum atvinnugreinum til að mala mismunandi gerðir af plasti, þar á meðal:

PE Granules

PVC Granules

PC Granules

Other types of plastics

The materials fed into the pulverizer should be in granular form, with a maximum size of 14 mm.

Features and Design of the Rumtoo TM Series Pulverizers

Rumtoo TM Series Pulverizers are designed for high-capacity performance and feature automatic temperature control to ensure optimal processing. Here’s how they work:

  • Fóðrunarbúnaður: The material to be pulverized is introduced into a fixed, high-speed rotating pulverizer disc via a vibrating feeder.
  • Centrifugal Force: An integrated inner disc forces the material through the pulverizer disc, pushing it into an external chamber for discharge.
  • Material Conveying System: The material is further assisted by a downstream conveying system, ensuring smooth operation.
Fully Automatic PVC Pulverizer-02
FyrirmyndKrafturSnúningsþvermálFan PowerFjöldi blaðaVibration screen diameterFramleiðslaÞyngd búnaðar
TM-5002.2KW500mm4KW12+24800 mm150-200kg/h1500KG
TM-6004KW600 mm5,5KW13+261000 mm200-450kg/h2000KG
TM-8004KW800 mm11KW15+321200 mm500-800kg/h2800KG

Pulverizer Operation

Unlike other pulverizers, the Rumtoo TM Series operates without the need for a sifter. The final particle size is primarily determined by the tooth configuration and the adjustable gap between the pulverizer discs. However, if required, a sifter can be added to control the particle size more precisely.

Advantages of the Rumtoo Pulverizer

Rumtoo TM Series Pulverizers offer several benefits, making them a preferred choice for many industries:

  • Hár framleiðsla: These machines deliver exceptional throughput, making them highly efficient.
  • Minimal Thermal Stress: The automatic temperature control reduces thermal stress on the material.
  • Longer Disc Life: Pulverizer discs last longer, reducing the need for frequent resharpening and maintenance.
  • Easy Adjustment & Replacement: Pulverizer discs can be adjusted or replaced quickly and easily to keep operations running smoothly.
  • Arðbærar: These pulverizers operate economically, lowering production costs.
  • Water Cooling System: An internal water cooling system helps maintain optimal temperature during operations, preventing overheating.

Höfundur: onekeybot

Rumtoo plast endurvinnsluvélar, Rumtoo endurvinnsla í stuttu máli, leiðandi framleiðandi hágæða PET flösku、 PP / PE filmu endurvinnsluvélar. PE filmu þvottalínurnar okkar bjóða upp á áreiðanleika, skilvirkni og hámarks endingu við endurvinnslu óhreina og óhreina PET flösku、PE filmu aftur í plastkorn. Með meira en tveggja áratuga þjónustu við plastendurvinnsluiðnaðinn er Rumtoo stolt af því að bera ábyrgð á endurvinnslu þúsunda tonna af plastfilmum eins og plastpokum, PP óofnum ofurpokum og LDPE filmu í hverjum mánuði á hundruðum endurvinnslustöðva um allan heim.
