Sistem Pelet Serpihan Plastik Kaku PP HDPE

Sistem pelet serpihan plastik kaku PP dan HDPE yang canggih di fasilitas industri, menampilkan skema warna biru dan putih dengan beberapa modul dan mekanisme kontrol.

This two-stage HDPE flakes pelletizing system consists of two sets of single screw extruders and integrates the function of feeding, plasticization, and pelletizing into a single step. The final product generated by this pelletizing machine are high-grade pellets/granules (see additional images below) that can be directly put into plastic injection machines or other applications.

Prinsip bekerja

Makanan: The flakes are fed into the extruders by screw conveyors that are managed by VFD. The VFD feeding system halts automatically when the electric current in the extruder is elevated and will only resume when the electrical current returns to standard parameters.

Plastisisasi dan degassing: A specialized single-screw extruder delicately melts the pre-compacted material. The plastic scraps are melted and plasticized in the first-stage extruder and then extruded by the second-stage extruder. With this “dual-zone” vacuum degassing system, volatiles such as low molecular weight substances and moisture are effectively removed. This results in more consistent final products.

Filtrasi leleh: This system utilizes segmented filtration. The first extruder is tasked with removing coarse contaminants via pre-filtration. A high mesh filter is then applied to the second extruder to eliminate fine particles. This lowers the frequency for changing filtration media and sieves.

Pelet: To convert the extruded plastic into granules, a standard die-face water ring pelletizing system is employed. Once the pellets are formed, an advanced dewatering vibration sieve is paired with a horizontal-type centrifugal dewatering machine to dry the pellets for storage.

Spesifikasi teknis

Ukuran MesinMotor Power (Compactor)Diameter Sekrup (mm)L/DMotor Power (Extruder)Laju Produksi (kg/jam)
SJ8037 kW803645/55 kW160-220
SJ10055 kW1003690/110 kW300-380
SJ12090 kW12036132 kW450-480
SJ140110 kW14036160/185 kW500-650
SJ160132 kW16034220/250 kW800-1000
SJ180315 kW18034315 kW1000-1200

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Pengarang: Mesin Daur Ulang Plastik Rumtoo

Mesin Daur Ulang Plastik Rumtoo, singkatnya Rumtoo Recycling, produsen terkemuka Botol PET berkualitas tinggi, Mesin Daur Ulang Film PP / PE. Jalur pencucian film PE kami menawarkan keandalan, efisiensi, dan daya tahan maksimum dalam mendaur ulang botol PET yang kotor dan kotor, film PE kembali menjadi butiran plastik. Dengan lebih dari dua dekade melayani industri daur ulang plastik, Rumtoo bangga bertanggung jawab mendaur ulang ribuan ton film plastik seperti kantong plastik, supersack PP non-woven, dan film LDPE setiap bulan di ratusan fasilitas daur ulang di seluruh dunia.

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