Náš odvodňovací systém se šroubovým lisem, navržený speciálně pro naši linku na mytí PE fólií, je vysoce efektivní metodou pro extrakci vlhkosti z proudu materiálu. Ve skutečnosti jsou naše šroubové lisy často využívány v potravinářském, papírenském a celulózovém průmyslu, čištění odpadních vod a podobně. Tento odolný kus strojního zařízení poskytuje vynikající snížení vlhkosti bez podstatných nákladů (výdajů na elektřinu) na provoz tepelných ohřívačů.
Princip fungování
At the core of our screw press dewatering system is a screw shaft with a progressively increasing diameter. The screw shaft is narrowest at the entry point where the plastic material is introduced via the vertical feeder. Surrounding the screw shaft is a thick-walled, uniform diameter outer tube lined with perforations for water drainage. The typical dewatering screw press for industrial recycling applications is 4-6 meters in length but can be adjusted according to your requirements.
As the wet plastic feed stock is introduced into the feeder, the screw shaft gradually rotates, advancing the plastic forward. As the screw shaft’s diameter increases, the plastic becomes increasingly compacted against the outer casing wall. The moisture from the plastic material is squeezed out and drains through the small perforations.
At the conclusion of the horizontal screw press, the screw shaft’s diameter is only slightly smaller than the inner diameter of the outer casing. It is through this narrow gap that the dried plastic material exits the screw press. A well-designed screw press will reduce moisture content to acceptable levels below 15%.
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