Transformace plastového odpadu na bohatství: australská miliardová příležitost

Australia is poised at a pivotal juncture in its fight against plastic pollution. A recent proposal, drawing inspiration from the European Union’s approach, suggests the implementation of a tax on plastic packaging. This bold move could potentially funnel an astonishing $1.5 billion into the nation’s coffers each year.

The Australia Institute’s research unveils a striking figure: the federal government could amass $1300 per tonne of unrecycled plastic by levying a tax on businesses involved in the importation or production of plastic packaging. This initiative isn’t just about revenue generation; it’s a clarion call for a drastic shift in our plastic consumption and recycling habits.


Australia’s battle with a mounting plastic waste tsunami is well-documented. Current recovery rates for plastic waste are dismally low, with less than a fifth being recycled annually. This trend, coupled with the forecasted doubling of plastic consumption by 2050, paints a grim picture.

The proposed levy, aligned with the EU model introduced in 2021, requires businesses to pay €800 per tonne of unrecycled plastic packaging waste. In Australian currency, this translates to approximately $1300 per tonne. With an estimated 1.179 million tonnes of packaging waste annually, the levy could raise about $1.46 billion.

Public opinion backs this initiative, with a survey by the Australia Institute revealing strong support for legislated waste reduction targets and the inclusion of recycled material in plastic products. A notable 78% of respondents also endorsed a ban on non-recyclable plastics at home.

Coles and Wollies

In conclusion, Australia’s potential tax on plastic packaging represents a transformative approach to tackling plastic waste. By incentivizing recycling and reducing plastic use, this policy could significantly contribute to environmental sustainability and create a more circular economy.

Autor: Stroj na recyklaci plastů Rumtoo

Rumtoo Plastic Recycling Machinery, zkráceně Rumtoo Recycling, přední výrobce vysoce kvalitních strojů na recyklaci PET lahví, PP / PE fólie. Naše linky na mytí PE fólií nabízejí spolehlivost, efektivitu a maximální odolnost při recyklaci špinavé a znečištěné PET láhve, PE fólie zpět na plastový granulát. S více než dvěma desetiletími služeb pro průmysl recyklace plastů je společnost Rumtoo hrdá na to, že je zodpovědná za recyklaci tisíců tun plastových fólií, jako jsou plastové sáčky, PP netkané supersáčky a LDPE fólie každý měsíc ve stovkách recyklačních zařízení po celém světě.
