كيفية استكشاف المشكلات الشائعة في حبيبات البلاستيك وإصلاحها

العمال يقومون بفحص معدات الصيانة

Plastic granulators are essential machines in recycling and manufacturing processes, but they can encounter various operational issues. Below is a detailed guide to troubleshooting common problems such as clogging, overheating, and other performance-related issues.

1. Clogging Issues

Clogging is a frequent problem in plastic granulators, often caused by material buildup, foreign objects, or improper feeding.


  • Residual plastic debris or dust inside the machine.
  • Mismatched or excessive feed rates.
  • Foreign objects entering the feed port.


  • Clear the feed port: Regularly clean the feed port and crushing chamber to remove residual material and debris
  • Adjust feed rates: Ensure the feed rate matches the machine’s capacity to prevent overloading
  • Inspect for foreign objects: Check for and remove any foreign matter that could obstruct the machine’s operation
  • Preventive maintenance: Regularly clean and inspect the machine to avoid buildup and ensure smooth operation

2. Overheating

Overheating can damage the granulator and reduce the quality of the granules produced.


  • Excessive friction due to dull blades or poor lubrication.
  • Overloading the machine beyond its capacity.
  • Cooling system failure.


  • Blade maintenance: Sharpen or replace dull blades to reduce friction and overheating
  • Lubrication: Regularly inspect and replace lubricating oil to ensure smooth operation and reduce frictional heat
  • Control production load: Avoid overloading the machine by adhering to its operational limits and scheduling breaks during high-intensity production
  • Cooling system checks: Inspect and repair the cooling system to ensure it functions effectively

3. Dull or Improperly Spaced Blades

Blades are critical components of a granulator, and their condition directly affects performance.


  • Blades becoming dull over time due to wear and tear.
  • Improper spacing between fixed and rotating blades.


  • Regular blade sharpening: Establish a preventive maintenance schedule to sharpen blades as needed
  • Check blade spacing: Ensure proper alignment and spacing between blades to avoid uneven cuts and excessive noise
  • Replace worn blades: Replace blades that are too worn to be sharpened effectively

4. High Noise Levels

Excessive noise can indicate underlying mechanical issues.


  • Loose or misaligned components.
  • Dull blades causing inefficient cutting.


  • Inspect components: Tighten loose parts and ensure proper alignment of the rotor and other components
  • Blade maintenance: Sharpen or replace dull blades to reduce noise caused by inefficient cutting

5. Poor Granule Quality

Granules may appear hollow, uneven, or contain black spots.


  • Uneven material melting due to improper temperature settings.
  • Contamination or impurities in the material.
  • Inconsistent feeding.


  • Adjust temperature settings: Optimize the material and head temperatures to ensure even melting and prevent thermal decomposition
  • Clean the machine: Regularly clean the granulator to remove contaminants and impurities
  • Ensure consistent feeding: Use a properly calibrated feeding system to maintain uniform material flow

6. Motor Torque Issues

The main motor torque may be too high or too low, affecting the granulator’s performance.


  • Excessive feed loading or poor material melting.
  • Misalignment between the motor and gearbox.
  • Faulty lubrication system.


  • Reduce feed loading: Adjust the feeding system to prevent overloading
  • Check alignment: Regularly inspect and align the motor and gearbox to avoid excessive torque
  • Lubrication system maintenance: Clean and maintain the lubrication system to ensure smooth operation

7. Friction Clutch Failures

The friction clutch may fail due to improper settings or excessive wear.


  • High wind pressure or speed differences in the clutch.
  • Low starting voltage for the main motor.


  • Adjust clutch settings: Ensure the wind pressure and speed settings are within the recommended range
  • Avoid power surges: Start the motor during off-peak hours to avoid voltage drops
  • Cool the clutch: Use forced cooling methods, such as fans, to prevent overheating during frequent restarts

مؤلف: وانكيبوت

شركة رومتو لآلات إعادة تدوير البلاستيك، الشركة الرائدة في تصنيع آلات إعادة تدوير زجاجات PET وأغشية PP/PE عالية الجودة. تتميز خطوط غسل أغشية PE لدينا بالموثوقية والكفاءة والمتانة القصوى في إعادة تدوير زجاجات PET وأغشية PE المتسخة والمتسخة وتحويلها إلى حبيبات بلاستيكية. بخبرة تزيد عن عقدين في مجال إعادة تدوير البلاستيك، تفخر رومتو بإعادة تدوير آلاف الأطنان من الأغشية البلاستيكية، مثل الأكياس البلاستيكية وأكياس PP غير المنسوجة الفائقة وأغشية LDPE، شهريًا في مئات من مرافق إعادة التدوير حول العالم.
